Wednesday, June 26, 2024



by Emily Black

One more thing to think about, damn!
After years of deliberation, my husband
and I had chosen a burial site on a beautiful

hillside plot. We’d made all the elaborate
arrangements and put the matter behind us.
Now, I awaken in a cold sweat

wondering what I’ll wear in my casket.
It is too much. I’ve made all the decisions
I can make on this matter.

We had finally arrived at our choice based
on the fact that I’d said, Given the way our
 elected officials are running things, I want

to be able to turn over in my grave.
It was a funny
reason for such an important decision, but it stuck.
We were finally able to move forward with our plans

and were happy and satisfied, until this morning
I woke up in a state because of the “what-to-wear”
conundrum. Oh, why didn’t I pick cremation.

* * * * *

Emily Black, the second woman to graduate in Civil Engineering from the University of Florida, enjoyed a long engineering career. She began writing poetry recently and is published in numerous journals. Her first poetry book “The Lemon Light of Morning,” was published by Bambaz press in 2022 and her second poetry book, “We Feed Dragons to the Moon” by the same publisher in March 2024. Emily wears Fire Engine Red Lipstick.

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