Sunday, June 9, 2024



© 2024 Marie C Lecrivain

The salt of your love
at first, was delicious, 
with a briny top note 
and diamond sparkle.

But the more I indulged,
the more ill I became,
as your bitterness
corroded my heart.

I'm glad you're gone;
but I wonder 
if I’ll be chasing 
that brief high
that was you
for the rest of my life.

* * * * *

Marie C Lecrivain is a poet, publisher, and ordained priestess in the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, the ecclesiastical arm of Ordo Templi Orientis. She currently curates two literary blogs: Dashboard Horus: A Bird’s Eye of the Universe (travel themed poetry and art), and Al-Khemia Poetica: Women’s Art and Literary Journal. Her work has been published in California Quarterly, Chiron Review, Gargoyle, Nonbinary Review, Orbis, Pirene's Fountain, and many other journals. She's the author of several books of poetry and fiction, and editor of Ashes to Stardust: A David Bowie Tribute Anthology © 2023 Sybaritic Press,

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