Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Father's Path

by Eileen Patterson

In a world where I am nothing
much less a creature of God.
I follow my father’s path.
Addiction closer to me than anyone.
No bottles or powders satisfy me.
I’m addicted to this isle of misery,
Cancerous fog eats light before it
gets through
. Roads covered with thorns
it’s hard to walk toward something.
My eyes burn with need, I want
everything life has to offer.
But I bind the hands, given to me,
I grab crumbs from some other's life.

The tarot readers throat full of grief says,
You are so alone but you prefer it that way.
Standing in shame, I whisper,
I know.

* * * * *

Eileen Patterson lives in in Cudahy, Wisconsin. Along with fellow poets she has read her poetry at the local library. Her work has appeared in Underwood, Bombfire, Medusa’s Kitchen and Darkwinter.

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