Saturday, September 7, 2024

Who Decides Which Are Weeds?

by Louella Lester

Seeds, girls plucked from homes or streets or social media sites. Scattered in fields or along river banks, some slipping into the muddy water. Floating. Waiting to be noticed, plucked out and tenderly replanted. Waiting for songs to be sung. Waiting to be watered by tears and warmed by the sun until they sprout and grow into circles of light.

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Louella Lester is a writer/photographer in Winnipeg, Canada, author of Glass Bricks (At Bay Press), a contributing editor at New Flash Fiction Review, and has a story included in Best Microfiction 2024. Her writing appears in a variety of journals/anthologies, including most recently: Roi Faineant, 50-Word Story, the Dribble Drabble Review, MacQueen’s Quinterly, Gooseberry Pie, Paragraph Planet, Hooghly Review, Bright Flash, Cult. Magazine, and SoFloPoJo.

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