Sunday, September 1, 2024


Breath of Another Body

by Joan MacIntosh

A man
released from
the lockup
follows the youth
to the pier 

They’ve gone  
to stone a muskrat
in the moonlight
near the rotten
wharf posts

The man lives in a
basement apartment
since drifting
from the hospital
to half-way house
then back
to Smalls’ Cove

He gulps his pills 
sleeps all day
the soundless
outport night

The youth
are the only ones
he knows

He joins
the youth
to bloody        
the muskrat
to hear
the breath
of another body          
his name, in the night
called mildly

* * * * *

Joan MacIntosh lives in St. John's, NL and writes poetry and prose. Her poetry is currently featured in The South Shore Review as well as previously in TicleAce, Leafpress and others.

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