Sunday, August 11, 2024



by Joy Nevin Axelson

Whispers of hazy purple sunset
hang like smoke
over distant mesas.
Under cool desert darkness
flows the brook:
evenly, quietly
– content –
over hard waiting stone,
into clear pools below –
calm and steady,
tracing smooth, familiar channels
worn by years of connection.

* * * * *

Joy Nevin Axelson is a Christian author of several published poems and works of nonfiction. She holds a BA and an MA in French (from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana and from the University of California, Santa Barbara respectively). She also attended Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and North Park University. In addition to being an author, she is the translation coordinator for GlobalFingerprints, the EFCA’s child sponsorship branch. Her translations of training materials are used at 12 international sites. She enjoys traveling with her husband and two older children. Check out her website at

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