Saturday, December 30, 2023


(a retelling of the myth)

by Lisa Marguerite Mora

Rain runs

down the alley in the dark an endless race beyond my eyelids. A shock
of white illumination, next the shout of thunder, bellow

of a god about my shoulders. Strike of the here and now, of what is possible
and dangerous, and beautiful. I am rendered to my place in the universe.

I am less important than my plans and more important than I had ever conceived.
Once you looked down at me, I held your hand, and you would not release

my eyes, you would not let me go, you would not let me stop
seeing that you saw down to the bone, as if you'd known me twenty thousand years

and counting, ten billion breaths and now breathing another
and all this time I thought I was alone.

How do I reconcile the emptiness
now that you've named it?

And so love grows a filigreed tendril encasing my heart. Its urgent roots lay tiny suctions
—the pain of this moves into my marrow

reminding me I am not alone, but attached. Where I am, you are. What you think
I feel. Tears from nowhere, almost bruises, as you elbow through your life away

from me and memory, the unseen
prevalent and tender.

* * * * *

Lisa Marguerite Mora’s poetry and prose has been published widely and internationally including in Chiron ReviewRattleGalway Review and many other print and online literary journals. She was a semifinalist for the Tom Howard Poetry Contest, and nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Sybaritic Press. Her micro fiction will be included in fine artist Lori Preusch’s forthcoming book Once Upon A Time - A Magical Storybook (Dandelion Press). Lisa has recently completed a first novel. She can be contacted through where she offers literary services.

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