Wednesday, August 30, 2023


This month's blue moon Moon Prize, the 118th, goes to Gail White's intriguing poem "Eve Discusses Adam's First Wife."

Eve Discusses Adam’s First Wife

by Gail White

You tell me Lilith has become a fiend,
a vampire, a screech-owl, one who preys
on children (I have three and she has none),
sentenced for disobedience to run wild,
hideous now, howling for all she lost.
You tell me I was taken from your side
that I might always find a refuge there,
a warm and nestling creature like the cat,
safe from the free but haunted world of dark.
And I’ve adjusted splendidly, I think.
My apple fritters are the best you’ll eat,
go where you will. I keep domestic life
tidy and clean. I never stir abroad
for fear of Lilith’s shriek and bat-like wings.
Yet when our first son killed our second son,
I – the good mother and obedient wife –
had one quick moment’s envy of her life.

* * * * *

"Eve Discusses Adam’s First Wife" was first published in Amethyst Review.

Gail White is a contributing editor to Light Poetry Magazine. Her own poetry has appeared in many journals and anthologies, including Nasty Women Poets, Love Poems at the Villa Nelle, and Killer Verse. Currently, she’s urging everyone she meets to buy her light verse chapbook, Paper Cuts, from Kelsay Books. Home is in Breaux Bridge, LA, where the cats are.

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