Thursday, August 24, 2023

Between Homes         

by Marcia Mitrowski

This poet’s home is borrowed,
beams, walls and floors not mine

but I need a place to sit, to sleep,
and to roam between the words I write

like a cellist weaving my bow across
an instrument born to cry so deeply

that notes sparkle as they descend.
The cat purrs on my plaid chest,

her heat keeps me awake as fingers
type a stream, a scent, a landscape

where I walk in a foreign language
translating a leaf, a drop, an insect

wishing for another land of sonnets
sweeter than honey, to lick as I like.

* * * * *

Marcia Mitrowski has spent her lifetime teaching English, music and the humanities in a variety of settings. The last twenty years she taught English as a Second Language to refugees and immigrants from numerous war-torn countries. She also worked as a Young Adult and Reference Librarian. She paints, gardens, volunteers as a docent at the Buffalo AKG Art Museum, enjoys music and taking long walks in Western New York.

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